By profession I’m an RN. I have worked in a small rural hospital, I’ve worked in a larger community hospital working in pediatrics, a tiny bit in an NICU, I’ve worked with nursing students and in Public Health. I’ve always loved being an RN and has certainly made me a better person.
But I’ll tell you a secret.... at first I didn‘t go into nursing because it was a calling and I needed to help people. Of course the calling and feeling came when I started, but not my original intent. I took up the challenge of becoming an RN so that I would be able to support myself. I figured becoming an RN and working in a hospital would certainly make me a contributing member of society. I had people tell me I was too old to become a RN, or others say I wasn’t smart enough, or that I couldn’t afford the thousands of dollars it would cost.
I proved them all wrong of course (I was only 26 when I graduated, far from being too old). But it was super challenging and worth every penny, every late night studying, every struggle. Wouldn’t change it for the world.
And now I want to make cookies. Seems odd I’m sure for others to understand this new pastime but I find this art of making sugar cookies very cathartic.
I hope you enjoy the cookies as much as I do making them.